September 1, 2024, 12:18 pm
This is the 22nd edition of Streamer Tidd-Bits, as well as the first full week of September. In my opinion, what your streaming strategy should be from here on out is 100% team dependent. Take myself for an example. I thought my one Main Event team had a shot at competing for the overall prize (two weeks of sitting 9th overall will lead you to think that), but several weeks of terrible pitching ratios and slowing hitter performances has led me to re-adjust my plan of attack for these last four weeks. To go into more detail, I was fine in wins and had a decent standing in strikeouts, but where my money could be made was in making up ground in saves. As long as FAAB cooperated with me, my plan was to try to start three to four closers per week until something happened where saves potentially became less important to my climb up the overall standings. Now that I’m closer to 50th overall, my focus has turned to securing my individual league and that means I’m now targeting saves AND strikeouts. I don’t want to stream just anyone at the risk of damaging my ratios any further, but the research I do for Streamer Tidd-Bits over these last four weeks will be just as important for me as it hopefully will be for all of you.
Now we move on to our recaps and recommendations for the upcoming week. Our merit-based recommendations from the week of 8/12 – 8/18 are in contention for our best pairing of the season. Since they were recommended, Albert Suarez and Osvaldo Bido both have sub 1.60 ERAs and have combined for a sub-1.00 WHIP. Not to mention, together they totaled three wins across five total starts. I wish it was this easy every week. I’ll keep it short and sweet (sour?) with our most recent matchup-based results. Kyle Hendricks and Keider Montero were both losses for our purposes, but if you streamed Keider against the White Sox you were most likely pleased with his modest stat line despite him failing to meet any of our “win” thresholds. Kyle Hendricks, yeah, about that. On to our recommendations for the week of 9/2 – 9/8.
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