Nathan takes you through a huge list of streaming options for Thursday, including a series of pitchers with high risk of a blow up start.
Hitting Weekly FAAB Report: August 4, 2024
In this piece, I will be discussing some batters who intrigue me on the free agent market that are owned in less than 50% of 15-team leagues in The Great Fantasy Baseball Invitational (TGFBI).
Fantasy MLB Today: Rookie over the Hall-of-Famer?
Nathan takes you through a thin list of pitchers to stream and to avoid, and discusses the Yankees’ necessity to protect Aaron Judge.
Streamer Tidd-Bits 7/22 – 7/28
Week 16 of Streamer Tidd-Bits is definitely a weird one, and that’s primarily because we’ve only accrued four days of stats from when I wrote last week’s article. Sure, roster rates have changed following last…
Sports Ethos 2024 MLB 2nd Half Predictions
Now that we've reached the final day of the All Star break and we've gone over our 1st Half Fantasy All Stars, 1st Half Fantasy Duds and our 1st Half All Star Prospects, we got all of the baseball writers together to predict the second half. From division, wild card, pennant and World Series winners to individual awards winners, trade predictions and statistical predictions, our guys spent a lot of time with their crystal ball and tarot cards.
Sports Ethos First-Half Fantasy Baseball All-Star Prospects
The MLB All-Star break isn't just a time to celebrate the big league superstars who have carried our fantasy baseball teams throughout the first half of the season. It's also a time to brag about…
Weather Impacts on Your Fantasy Players for July…
A much higher rain threat this week as Beryl spreads moisture throughout the eastern U.S.
July Top 100 Fantasy Baseball Prospects – A…
When I say "A Midseason Shakeup", I mean it. I took my old rankings, added in the names of like twenty or thirty players, tossed them in a fish bowl, shook it up and then started over anew. Well, not completely anew, as I still kicked off the rankings with Jackson Holliday, but there has been lots of movement up, down, in and out of the rankings. New names have been added (Kevin McGonigle, Chase Dollander and Luke Keaschall, to name a few), old names have been removed (most because of promotions to the majors, but some because the new names have been better) and most have been moved around in the rankings, with few in the same place they were in last month.
Fantasy MLB Today: Fedde-ing you some Friday streamers
Nathan Baker recaps streaming options for Thursday, and breaks down the best of what’s been announced for Friday’s starters.