The Jazz waltzed to the best record in the regular season. Things went off the rails after that, again.
Season Wrap: The 2020-21 Brooklyn Nets
The Nets geared all the way up and were undone by injuries, but the rest of the league is very much on notice.
The Fantasy Facepalm: Revenge of the Nerds
The second half of the season is ready to rip so it's time for Josh to collect his thoughts once more...
The Fantasy Facepalm: The Rule of Three
The Fantasy Facepalm is back and Josh has a lot of things on his mind. As expected, as our resident Nets fan has plenty to mull over these days.
2020-21 Draft Guide: High Mileage Report
Lovingly called the Old Man Report, Josh takes a look at which cagey vets can still get it done.
2020-21 Draft Guide: Fantasy 103 (Season Management)
Your team is set. Now how do you get through the season?
2020-21 Draft Guide: Fantasy 102 (Draft Day)
Your league has been set — now how about navigating the draft?
2020-21 Draft Guide: Fantasy Basketball 101 (Basics)
Josh breaks fantasy basketball down to its most basic building blocks. If you’re new to the game, this one’s for you!